Vuelo Chicano is a maquette for future large scale sculpture as part of an ongoing series Monuments and Memorials, an exploration of the themes of revisionist history, land, representation, unrepresented histories, and art in the public.

A HAND GESTURE TO SYTEMATIC RACISM: Al que le quede el saco que se lo ponga

A Hand Gesture to Systemic Racism is a representation of my personal frustrations with structural racism that Black, Indigenous, Immigrants, Refugees and People of Color experience on a daily basis in the United States of America. We experience these visible and invisible racisms in the workplace, schools, churches, government, universities, and in the public through microaggressions, xenophobia, discrimination, bullying, manipulation and more.

Águila atómica/Atomic Eagle

Dos cabezas ciberneticas/Two cyber heads

Un Réquiem/A Requiem


Mexican, b. Jalisco, Mexico
lives and works in the USA


Salvador JimĂ©nez-Flores is an interdisciplinary artist born and raised in Jalisco, MĂ©xico. He explores the politics of identity and the state of double consciousness. JimĂ©nez-Flores addresses issues of colonization, migration, “the other,” and futurism by producing a mixture of socially conscious installation, public, and studio-based art. His work spans from community-based work, drawing, ceramics, prints, and mixed media sculpture.

 Jimenez-Flores is a member of The Color Network, an organization that promotes the advancement of people of color in the ceramic arts and assists artists develop, network, and create dialogue while maintaining a place for a database, resources, and mentorship. He is also a member of the Instituto Gráfico de Chicago, an organization inspired by the socio-political art of Mexico’s Taller de Gráfica Popular (The People’s Print Workshop) and uses art as a platform to inform and generate community discourse about urgent social issues.

JimĂ©nez-Flores has presented his work at the National Museum of Mexican Art, Grand Rapids Art Museum, Urban Institute of Contemporary Art, Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts, and Museum of Art and Design amongst others. He served as Artist-In-Residence for the city of Boston, Harvard Ceramics Program, Office of the Arts at Harvard University, and Kohler Arts Industry. JimĂ©nez-Flores is a recipient of Joan Mitchell Foundation Painters & Sculptors Grants and The New England Foundation for the Arts, Threewalls’ RaD Lab+Outside the Walls Fellowship Grant, and he is a 2021 United States Artist Fellow. He is an Assistant Professor in ceramics at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Salvador JimĂ©nez-Flores, Artist Studio Portrait with “A Hand Gesture to Systemic Racism”, 2022


My work titled “A Hand Gesture to Systemic Racism” is a representation of my personal frustrations with structural racism that Black, Indigenous, Immigrants, Refugees and People of Color experience on a daily basis in the United States of America. We experience these visible and invisible racisms in the workplace, schools, churches, government, universities, and in the public through microaggressions, xenophobia, discrimination, bullying, manipulation and more. For over seven years I have being part of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion taskforces for various organizations and universities and as much as I push for actionable and pragmatic items, nothing really happens, but the organizations pride on their DEI committees and initiatives.


Ferrin Contemporary presents Paul Scott in "Our America/Whose America?". Installation for NCECA Richmond, 2024 at the Wickham House at The Valentine Museum, Richmond, VA. Image courtesy of The Valentine Museum.

Ferrin Contemporary presents Paul Scott in “Our America/Whose America?”. Installation for NCECA Richmond, 2024 at the Wickham House at The Valentine Museum, Richmond, VA. Image courtesy of The Valentine Museum.


2024 | Group Exhibition in the Wickham House at the Valentine Museum | Richmond, VA

February 20, 2024 – April 21, 2024

Our America/Whose America? Is a “call and response” exhibition between contemporary artists and historic ceramic objects.

View the exhibition page HERE

Our America/Whose America? Installation, 2022, image courtesy of John Polak


2022 | Group Exhibition at Ferrin Contemporary | North Adams, MA

Our America/Whose America? Is a “call and response” exhibition between contemporary artists and historic ceramic objects.

View the exhibition page HERE  & View the historic collection HERE