Souvenir of Albany 1
Indian Point Cup Plate
Views of Albany No 2
Series of artworks with updates on early subject matters of New York using 21st-century alternatives.
Please check back as new works and available selections are added continually with developing displays and informational pdfs.
As always, please inquire or contact us for more details or lists of available artworks.
Fleurs.de.sel’s New York
Set of 12
View of Albany, New York, No.2
Souvenir of Albany 1
“New American Scenery, New York and Transferwares”
In the early part of the nineteenth century, tens of thousands of printed blue and white tablewares from England were exported to North America. Scenes of the newly independent United States were used in a myriad of designs and were characterized by a deep blue semiotic. Alongside printed wallpapers and textiles these transferwares formed part of the new media of their day. Pictorial in nature, their vitrified designs remediated prints from book or magazine illustration, melding them with floral and botanical borders. By the end of the century, they became highly collectible and the subject of a number of books, including RT Haines Halsey’s classic ‘New York on Dark Blue Staffordshire Pottery’. Published in 1899, the limited edition tome plotted the history of the genre, illustrated by sumptuous photogravures in blue depicting a comprehensive range of pictorial transferwares. 120 years later, in my New American Scenery series of artworks I updates some of these early subject matters of New York using 21st century alternatives.
Fleur.de.Sel’s New York
series of souvenir plates depicting New York City streetscapes drawn from the Instagram account @Fleur.de.Sel that appear timeless, illustrating the small businesses and cultural diversity that are increasingly at risk with the city’s dangerously inflated wealth gap.