Salvador Jiménez-Flores, “A Hand Gesture to Systemic Racism: Al que le quede el saco que se lo ponga”, hand detail, 2022

Salvador Jiménez-Flores, "A Hand Gesture to Systemic Racism: Al que le quede el saco que se lo ponga", hand detail, 2022, Earthenware, stoneware, black stain, underglaze, glaze, wood, steel, graphite, and latex paint, 96 x 60 x 20"

Salvador Jiménez-Flores, “A Hand Gesture to Systemic Racism: Al que le quede el saco que se lo ponga”, hand detail, 2022, Earthenware, stoneware, black stain, underglaze, glaze, wood, steel, graphite, and latex paint, 96 x 60 x 20″