Blue Vessel with Inscribed Figures
The Scheiers were both largely self-taught studio potters who worked together throughout their 69 year marriage. Mary became an expert at throwing pots, while Edwin decorated the works using motifs that reflected his interest in spirituality and anthropology.
The journey from birth through life is a favorite Scheier motif, represented by stylized human figures with smaller figures passing through them – a sgraffito decoration seen encircling this particular pot.
Gold Bowl with Relief
The Scheier’s visited Mexico several times during their employment at UNH, and became interested in both the archaeological artifacts they saw and the weavings done by the Zapotec Indians. After their retirement from UNH in 1960, the Scheier’s lived in Mexico for ten years before finally settling in Arizona.
Scheier often expressed his interests in anthropology and spirituality through the decorations on his pots, using techniques ranging from sgraffito or applique to design his motifs.