AT YOUR SERVICE: Exploring the Plate as a Site for Cultural Exploration
February 5 â May 8, 2016
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
Saturday, February 6, 4pm
Artist Talks
Houston Center for Contemporary Craft
Houston, TX
Objects of daily use often become intimately important and indispensable to people. Aside from their utility, such objects can be seen as representations of their owners or even extensions of the self. This kind of sentiment applies to a wide range of possible possessions including the seemingly humble and utilitarian plate. In At Your Service ten artists come together to encourage the viewer to consider and question the significance and wider implications of this common household item.
At Your Service is curated by artists Niki Johnson and Amelia Toelke, who have brought their own work together with the work of several other artists with a shared interest in the plate who have inspired them. In addition to the curators, artists featured in the exhibition include: Ariel Brice, GĂ©sine Hackenberg, Molly Hatch, Giselle Hicks, Garth Johnson, Sue Johnson, Emily Loehle, and Caroline Slotte.
About the Artists
Giselle Hicks is an independent artist currently working at Archie Bray Foundation for the Ceramic Arts in Helena, Montana. Hicks was a resident artist at Project Art in Cummington, Massachusetts 2006â2008. She is represented by Ferrin Contemporary.
Caroline Slotte lives and works in Helsinki, Finland and holds a masters degree from Bergen Academy of Art and Design, Norway. The reworking of second hand objects play a pivotal role in Slotte’s practice. Represented by Ferrin Contemporary in the USA.
Garth Johnson is a studio artist, writer, and educator who lives in Eureka, California. He is a craft activist who explores craft’s influence and relevance in the 21st century.
The original At Your Service exhibition was held at
Bellevue Arts Museum in Bellevue, Washington from February 14, 2014 through September 21, 2014