Kurt Weiser, “Untitled” 1992, porcelain, china paint,
21.5 x 14 x 2.5″.
(Private Collection)
Nancee Meeker, “Untitled”
1984, terra sigillata,
earthenware, 10.5″
(Pennington Collection)
Rudio Audio, “Hippodrome” 1994, glaze, ceramic, 19 x 16 x 14″.(Pennington Collection)
Don Reitz, “Do You Think I Would Forget?” 1987, earthenware, engobes, glaze, 23″. (Pennington Collection)
Toshiko Takaezu,”Giant Round form with Rattle (Moon Ball)” 1990s, stoneware, 20 x 21″. (Private Collection)
Howard Kottler, “GhostRider”
c1967, porcelain,
decals, lustre, 10″.
(Artist Estate)
Richard DeVore, “Untitled Bowl” 1991, ceramic, 10 x 10.5 x 10.5″ (Private Collection)
Lucie Rie, “Bowl” 1958, 5.5 x 1.75″. (Private Collection)
Viola Frey, “Untitled Platter” 1982, slip, glaze, earthenware, 25″.(Pennington Collection)
Edward Eberle, “The Prince’s Retinue” 1996, porcelain, 8.25 x 6″. (Pennington Collection)
Ron Meyers, “Platter” 1990s, earthenware, 11 x 2″.
(Angela Fina, Artist Estate)
Jack Earl, “Untitled” 1978,glaze, earthenware, 11.5 x 7 x 6″ (Pennington Collection)
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